Steampunking a Dragon


Last post we talked some about steampunk tangling and I showed you this dragon template I made. Since then I have tangled and colored this lovely dragon and I want to show him to you. 

But first I want to apologize for my posts being so few and spread apart. I used to blog almost every day which I am sure to some of you seemed to be too much. It helped keep me on track and helped me keep learning and growing as an artist. 

Since I had lung surgery in late 2021, then undergoing chemo for cancer in 2022 I have great trouble concentrating and staying focused. Which means fewer posts for you to read. (I know some of you are glad for that! Hahahaha!) This dragon template pulled me out of that fog for a couple days. 

I began by tangling the nose horn - does that have a name? Tusk maybe? Anyway, I used Sandra's tangle called Phanta-Stick on that and I love how it turned out. Then I went to the neck ruffle and the horns. Just filling in details with tangles that look mechanical or have screws so I can interpret this guy as steampunked. 

And I drew until I filled up all the sections I wanted to. I knew I wanted to do something special, something dragon-y for the eye. And I wanted the whole guy to be in color! So out came every single Copic Sketch Marker I own. 

My original plan was to use watercolors, but lately I have been coloring everything with Copics. So that is what I did. And of course I had to use printemps because I always do. And if you have a good eye you may be able to spot my signature chop in those printemps somewhere. You can click on the photo to enlarge it. Other tangles include: Pindas, spindle, jalousie, and flip down-L. 

We have a new template for this coming week. It was submitted by Kristina Kasper and it has many possibilities. Lots of legs to be filled with some steampunk tangles. And that head just screams for some metal plating and screws and something awesome for the eyes!

Let me show you the seven tangles for this week. You can incorporate them into your own tangling - whether it be steampunk or not.

The name and creator are printed on each photo. 

You may notice that many of the steampunk patterns were designed by Sandra Strait (Molossus.) Sandra has some wonderful steampunk tangles and artwork you wouldn't believe! They are pretty incredible! 

I really like this one! So many options for completing Tuckidle!

And the last one is from Silke Wagner. I hope you can use some of these tangles in your artworks this week. I would love to see what you do! If you are looking for a place to learn more about tangling, or if you want to get involved with the steampunk drawing, come visit us on FB in the group Tangle All Around. You can join by clicking here and answering three simple questions. Hope to see you there! Have a great week!


  1. Alice, your dragon is steampunkastic! Copics and markers in general are probably easier to deal with than watercolor because they're less flexible in technique and easier to control. Nothing wrong with that, especially for a project like this. You'll get back to watercolor, soon enough!

    1. I know I will. It’s just frustrating for the time being. Thank you for your kind comments about my dragon. It was a lot of fun to make.

  2. Reckon I found your chop! Glad the fog lifted a little - I'll keep praying you have more moments like that. Tusk works pretty well to describe the nose horn & I think the bright bold non textured nature of the copics suit the image better than watercolour. That dragon template is very much your style - love the way he's almost smiling & your use of bright green for his eye really draws the attention. It's just delightful seeing your posts whenever you feel up to making one. - Take care of yourself - Evy

    1. Thank you so much. This was a fun one. Right up my alley! Haha!


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