Dream It and Do It!


If you can dream it - you can do it! Wise words to remember and live by. Quick post here just to share this daily journal page I made a few days ago AND to give you some news about the new book. First though - this journal page. 

Like always I am working in my Harmony hot pressed journal from Hahnemühle. I love it. Sometimes I do one day on a page like this one. Sometimes I split the page in half and use it for two days. The little Hedwig-Gryffindor-wannabe is a drawing by Chris Ryniak that I colored to look like a Harry Potter character - Hedwig, Harry's owl. The background is bits and pieces of scraps from a number of projects. Some of the tangled blocks are from Octangling this past year and one is from a page I made for the Tangle It! Coloring Book several years ago. 

Tangle All Around: Our Art, Our Journey is already available at these Amazon locations online. Amazon.in  and amazon.nl carries it as well since I saved this screen shot. 

Ta-da!!! Thank you so much to everyone who has purchased our new book! On the very first day of release (and every day since) Our Art, Our Journey is the  #1 New Release on Amazon! You guys rock!!! You make me smile. Real big!!! I had a dream to gather amazing art from members of Tangle All Around on Facebook and publish them all in one beautiful, full color book. Every artist who submitted artwork to me is included in this book. All levels of talent. Such beautiful visions brought to life by pen and pencil and watercolor and acrylics. Eighty-six artists from sixteen countries. This is a fabulous dream come true for me! I hope you will feel inspired to grab a copy for your own coffee table!

Want to learn more about tangling? You can join us at Tangle All Around by clicking here and answering the three simple questions so I know you are a real person.

Tangle All Around: Our Art, Our Journey can be purchased here. 


  1. You are the best dear Alice!❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for giving me the Amazon adress. I could buy your wonderful new book and will get it next week. All the best for you! Lovely greetings, your Regina ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I am glad you are going to get it so soon. I hope you will love it!

  2. Delightful to see you creating again - love the way that cut out circle comes from behind the two word strips & then goes in front. The colours in the SPEAK OUT panel echo that far right strip of coloured tangling/printemps too.

    1. I was trying to tie the colors together. I don't always do it intentionally but I was trying to this time. so I'm glad you noticed <3

    2. I love it when you do that & you definitely achieved your goal of tying it together - Evy

  3. My book just arrived! So happy! Your journal page is wonderful, Alice!

    1. Thank you so much for supporting our book! I hope you love every page!

  4. I know I will love it👍👍👍😍😍😍

    1. You will. It’s a great book!


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