The 100 Day Project Progresses . . . Slowly

I have hit a speed bump in my journey that is The 100 Day Project.  The book I chose to work in could not keep up with my progress. Hahahaha! Let me show you what I am doing now.

If you recall, I was working in this square Rhodia graph book. I like the graph lines. They help me keep elements going straight. Unless I want them to be at an angle. Like that scripture box. On Day 24 I was still working in the Rhodia, but having trouble because my pages were getting too thick - I glue stuff on every page. I have a strip I made using my Gelli Arts gel printing plate across the middle. Isn't it awesome??? Hahahaha! I love those colors together! That strip of paper and the tile were cut from Hahnemühle's Bristol paper. The absolute best paper for the way I work!

Day 25 was the last day in my Rhodia book. I tore out all the remaining pages and cut them down into note paper. What a waste. But I just couldn't make this book any 'fatter' without taking a risk of all the pages falling out. The word block came from a pair of jeans I bought. Weird where you can find cool things to save and use one day. The tangle for this day was Bublz and it is perfect for adding to some neurotangling art! On a Bristol tile, of course. That strip down the right hand side was made on some Bristol from Hahnemühle, while I was cleaning a stencil that had Stencil Butter on it. Don't waste your product, find a way to use it. 

Day 26 saw me moving into a new journal. Carol Boss from Hahnemühle hooked me up with a Harmony Hot Pressed watercolor spiral journal for my project. These pages are about 8.5" x 12" which means they are not square. I was used to square so I knew I needed to rethink my approach. What I am doing for now is running a piece of washi tape down the middle, effectively dividing my sheet into two work areas. For two days. And it is working out great! For day 26 I used a bit more of that Stencil Butter clean off page down the middle. As a reminder I am using the Zig Clean Color Dot markers to add some fun details. 

I gotta say I love working with the taller pages! And with the Harmony being a watercolor book - I can paint on the pages! Yayayay!!!!! Day 27.

With the Covid restrictions and staying home I really don't have a lot to write about on my journal pages. My days are pretty similar. Wake up. Feed Rocket. Make coffee. Decide I don't need breakfast. Check email, check Tangle All Around, work on a blog post, and in the afternoon finally get around to making art of some kind. The only places we go to are the dump, Brookside Inn for free cake day on Tuesdays, and an occasional breakfast at Elm Tree on dump days. We pick up groceries curbside once a week. And that is it. Our lives have changed. A lot. 

Favorite page in this book so far! That little elephant just happened. It isn't often I can look at a tile with color and see 'something' in it but that particular day I saw an elephant. He reminds me of the baby you see on the Jungle Cruise at Disney World. Just sitting in the water and blowing water out his snout. Day 28.

Day 29. Sorry, try and try as hard as I can, I could not get a good photograph of this page. The color looks flat and dull. It is not.  This page has watercolor on parts, a gelli print strip on some and then there is my tile. Both added papers are Hahnemühle Bristol. The tangle for the day was camelia. A fun one for sure - and one I wasn't familiar with. Some days I am like who picked these patterns???? Then I remember Oh, wait! It was you!! Hahahahaha!

March 1st. A new month! I have completed two whole months of daily journaling! Who would have believed it! Not me, that's for sure.  Want to see my very first day again? Sure! Why not! Hahahahaha!

Oh, this was day 30 of The 100 Day Project.

And here it is. Day 1! I have come a long way in this journey. 

March 2nd, Day 31. Both books have their fine points. I am working with a smaller area in this Harmony journal, but the paper is so much nicer. And it can handle pretty much anything I throw at it. My big news for this day was - I ordered my dress for Kali's wedding!!! And my shoes! I am going to look like a sparkly wedding cake! Hahahahaha!

Day 32. For this page I used bits of gel prints. Including part of the very first print I ever made. I was taking a class with Carla Sonheim. I just think she is such a stellar artist! I learned so much from her in that class. The tangle this day was from Sandra Strait - cirquare. Such a fun one to draw! I even used it in my last book Life in Tangles!

And this last one for today - Day 33. Fun fact about this cat washi tape. I received a package of fun stamps and quotes from a friend and she had this washi tape on the outside of the package. Some on the front under the postage stamp and some on the back. I had never thought about doing this before BUT I was able to carefully peel the tape off and add it to these pages. How cool is that! I had trouble with one end adhering to the page, so I stuck that little girl right on top. Her books are holding the tape in place. 

That bottom piece with the heart is another print I made in Carla's class. I have literally saved this piece for probably 7 or 8 years. I figured it was finally time to use it for something. 

I hope you have a great week! I am working on a project for Zebra Pen. Hopefully I will be sharing it here soon. Take care!

Hahnemühle's Harmony Hot Pressed Watercolor Journal can be purchased here.

Hahnemühle's Bristol Paper can be purchased here.

Gelli Arts' Gel Printing Plates can be purchased here


  1. Having two pages on one sheet should be spectacular! The one side will feed inspiration to the other. You've done some really wonderful pages. I know what you mean about journaling these days. But then when all your days are much the same, even the small changes become exciting!

    1. the highlights in my life now are food. wouldn't you just know it. hahahaha!

  2. Love that floral tile on Day 30 of the 100 Day Project & that green elephant creature is great fun. It will be fascinating to see your progress each month & the difference between the first day & the last day. Glad you got a solution to the journal problem - sounds far more robust. You've definitely got your own style with journalling too.

    1. you know, I prefer working in florals most of the time. :)


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