Help Me Out, Please


I need a little help, please. My email service is being discontinued in a couple months and I am trying out a new one with fingers crossed that it works like it should. You can help me out by responding to this post. So let's do a little survey-ish game and you let me know what you prefer to learn more about. Which of these categories interests you the most?

The floral watercolor arts I have been learning and sharing. 

Tangled art works.

Or the exploratory Mixed Media art I do, which might include gelli prints, alcohol inks, watercolor markers, art on a shoestring projects, really the sky is the limit for this one! Hahahaha!

Which do you most prefer to read about and learn:

* florals/watercolors

* tangles

* mixed media. 

Thank you for your help. 


  1. I love all that you do, and variety is very nice! If I had to choose, it would be mixed media closely followed by florals..

    1. thank you for the input, that is the same order I am leaning towards for myself <3

  2. Alice, I love the variety in your posts! If I HAVE to choose my favorite, I'd say the last of the 3 choices, Mixed Media Art Exploration. But I hope you won't abandon other topics! I do appreciate everything you take the time to share. ❤❤❤

    Best regards,
    Jan Brandt, CZT

    1. I will still include all the topics, trying to see if I should focus in a certain area. thanks for your input <3

  3. Dear Alice, I love all your posts. I can't decide what I love on first place. Your Tangles, backgrounds and mixed media are so wonderful. I'm looking every day on your website. Your artwork is fantastic. Have a nice day, all the best, regards, Regina. ❤️

    1. thanks, regina, I will continue incorporating all these art skills in the posts <3

  4. OK for me it has to be Tangles if I'm to choose only one. I'm loving seeing the floral watercolours too. So the order of preference is 1-Tangles, 2-Floral Watercolours, 3-Mixed Media.

    1. thanks, Evy, I was wanting to try out a polling option and wouldn't you know I forgot to use the polling app. oh well. and I was trying out a new email system and it didn't work.

  5. I love all that you do and I'd like to see what YOU want to do. Your talent shines through no matter what you're doing!

    1. Thanks, Sandra, trying to iron out a few wrinkles

  6. I love it all but if I had to choose I would pick the Tangles.

    1. thanks, belanna, I am keeping it all just trying to organize my brain <3

  7. I like the mixed media. You know gelli and inks and all things color. And you can tangle on it and journal it too. Alice, thank you, you have opened my creative mind to so many ideas, thank you.

    1. thanks, Nancy, I'm glad I can inspire you <3


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