Dreamcatchers Catching Dreams

It has been a busy week in Tangle All Around. My FB group has been busy tangling up a bunch of dreamcatchers and today I get to share them with you. All with permission from 72 different artists from all around the world. Let's get started!

This dreamcatcher is the artwork of Aga Forra. 

Artwork of Aga Forra. 

Artwork of Alice Hendon. 

Artwork of Ana Maria Migone. 

Artwork of Ana Maria Migone. 

Artwork of Angela Applegate. 

Artwork of Angela Fox Thompson. 

Artwork of Angela Fox Thompson. 

Artwork of Angela Fox Thompson. 

Artwork of Angela Fox Thompson. 

Artwork of Angela Fox Thompson. 

Artwork of Anneke de Reijke. 

Artwork of Anne Sevestre. 

Artwork of Anne Sevestre.

Artwork of Annie Pidel. 

Artwork of Antje Romers. 

Artwork of Antje Romers. 

Artwork of Antje Romers. 

Artwork of Bev Bauer. 

Artwork of Bev Bauer. 

Artwork of Bev Bauer. 

Artwork of Brenda DeBock. 

Artwork of Brenda Law. 

Artwork of Brenda Loebel-April. 

Artwork of Brenda Loebel-April. 

Artwork of Brenda Loebel-April. 

Artwork of Cassandra Angelina Sundberg. 

Artwork of Cassandra Angelina Sundberg. 

Artwork of Cassandra Angelina Sundberg. 

Artwork of Cassandra Angelina Sundberg. 

Artwork of Cassandra Angelina Sundberg. 

Artwork of 

Cecile 律光千尋. 

Artwork of Dawn George. 

Artwork of Dawn George. 

Artwork of Deborah Murdough. 

Artwork of Deb Tjoa. 

Artwork of Gretchen Hamilton. 

Artwork of Heather Cady. 

Artwork of Heike Conroy. 

Artwork of Helen Nelson DeLamarter. 

Artwork of Helen Nelson DeLamarter. 

Artwork of Irene Lammerse. 

Artwork of Jenni Legate. 

Artwork of Josie Broley. 

Artwork of Jude Baber. 

Artwork of Jude Baber. 

Artwork of Julie Sparks. 

Artwork of Karin Conklin. 

Artwork of Karyn Amkraut Clarke. 

Artwork of Kathy Floerke. 

Artwork of Kathy White. 

Artwork of Kim Bolton Kirkpatrick. 

Artwork of Kim Scholz. 

Artwork of Kristina Kasper. 

Artwork of Laura Anthony Marks. 

Artwork of Laura Anthony Marks. 

Artwork of Laura Anthony Marks. 

Artwork of Lorraine Paquette. 

Artwork of Lynda Scott Abbot. 

Artwork of Lynda Scott Abbot. 

Artwork of Magdalena Ryszard. 

Artwork of Magdalena Ryszard. 

Artwork of Maria Martinez Laplana. 

Artwork of Maureen Ladouceur. 

Artwork of Mer McIlroy. 

Artwork of Meta Kruzel. 

Artwork of Michaela De Cesare.

Artwork of Michaela De Cesare. 

Artwork of Michaela De Cesare. 

Artwork of Oriana Aguilar. 

Artwork of Pam Meeks. 

Artwork of Patience Emily Snell. 

Artwork of Pat Mathes. 

Artwork of Patricia A. Tetidrick. 

Artwork of Patricia A. Tetidrick. 

Artwork of Patricia A. Tetidrick. 

Artwork of Patricia A. Tetidrick. 

Artwork of Pauline Johnson. 

Artwork of Phillis Rosenthal. 

Artwork of Priscilla DeConti. 

Artwork of Regina Wenzel. 

Artwork of Regina Wenzel. 

Artwork of Ruby Midha. 

Artwork of Shawna Burkham. 

Artwork of Shweta Bansal. 

Artwork of Smita Toke. 

Artwork of Srimathi Prakash. 

Artwork of Sulbha Jagarajan. 

Artwork of Sulbha Jagarajan. 

Artwork of Susan Weber Haninger. 

Artwork of Velma Leinenweaver Ensey. 

Artwork of Verena Bossert. 

Artwork of Verena Bossert. 

Artwork of Yatri Shikare. 

Artwork of Ana Maria Migone. 

Artwork of Lisa Anderson. 

Artwork of Shweta Bansal. 

Artwork of Michaela De Cesare. 

Artwork of Angela Fox Thompson. 

Artwork of Cindy Elener. 

Artwork of Lene Rytz Nielsen. 

Artwork of Nita Ott. 

Artwork of Sally Jo. 

Artwork of Pam Yates. 

Artwork of Randi Jameson. 

Artwork of Sherri Lee. 

Artwork of Patience Emily Snell. 

Artwork of Peggy Murray. 

Artwork of Peggy Murray. 

We are constantly learning and practicing our skills in Tangle All Around. If you are looking for a place to learn more about the art of the tangle please join us by clicking here. There are three simple questions to answer - primarily to let me know you are a breathing person and not a machine. Hope to see you there!

Want to receive my posts as I make them? Straight into your email inbox? There is a subscribe block in the left sidebar. Thank you so much! 


  1. That's so fantastic dear Alice! Thank you for all your busy hours to collect the Dreamcatcher's! I love them all. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. thank you for participating - this is a beautiful set of art all around

  2. Congratulations one and all on such beautiful Dream catchers! Awesome art❣️🌺💐🌹🤩

    1. such a wonderful collection of art! thanks for participating <3

  3. It's so fun to see all the different interpretations of this tangle. Every single one is so unique!

    1. Beautiful work. Thanks for participating.

  4. Each and every one is beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. Your groups comes up with the most beautiful artwork, Alice!

    1. There are some great artists in this group. And these dream catchers are from all around the world.

  6. These are all beautiful! I wish I had mine finished in time for me to post.

    1. We will add yours when it is finished ❤️

  7. Dear Alice, what an awesome dream catchers collection! I enjoyed watching them a lot and would invite my friends to come over .

    1. They are all beautiful. Thanks for inviting your friends.

  8. They are beautiful! Such a talented group!

  9. What a beautiful collection of Dreamcatchers. You encouraged us again, Alice.

    1. thanks for participating <3 each one is so wonderful!

  10. These are all so beautiful and inspiring!

    1. everyone did a wonderful job, each so unique and different

  11. Such a variety of interpretations - in some cases by the same artist too. Fascinating to see how what - on the face of it - looks like a very straightforward design can be adapted whether in black & white or colour. This post must have taken you hours!


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