Daily Journaling

Daily journaling has kind of fallen behind. Too much happening in my life. Doctor this, doctor that, test this, test that, negative this, negative that, but no definitive answers. It is getting old. I felt the need to make a post. Hahahaha! And I found these daily journal pages I had not posted. So here you go. This page has various bits and pieces. The background was made with stamps I made using foam sheets. The little squares were colored with sprays I made using Ecoline Liquid watercolors. I believe the flowers were all colored with FINETEC watercolors. 
This page was from August 13, 2021. A month ago. Sorry. It uses more of those little 2" blocks from the previous page and a 3" block I watercolored. The tile at the top right just kind of came together. After I colored it - it looked like a person sitting there. A Sasquatch kind of person. Hahahaha! Fun page. For my daily journaling I am working in a Harmony hot pressed watercolor journal from Hahnemühle. And right now I am averaging about once a month, but I hope to get better.   

I was cleaning out a pen drawer and found some Sharpie paint pens I hadn't used before. The pink and blue. So I grabbed my Black Book from Hahnemühle and started adding lines. They worked great! 

And I tried a little shading with a white General's charcoal pencil. Meh. 
I also started playing in an Indigo Art Papers book. The pages are handmade and can be a challenge to draw on. But they hold color so wonderfully! For this one I colored the entire page first. Just mottled color here and there. Then I drew the flowers and painted some greens and teals over the background surrounding the florals. That's it. Looks hard but it was simple. And you could totally do this. 

And that's it for today. Healthwise - all tests and labs so far have come back negative, but we know something caused the fluid to build up on my lung to the point that they drained over a gallon away. I need that not to happen again. There is a minor surgery scheduled for Monday, then I wait for the lung biopsy appointment. I appreciate all your prayers and well wishes. You guys are the best!

Hahnemühle's Harmony products can be purchased here

Hahnemühle's Black Book can be purchased here. And the

Indigo Art Papers book can be purchased here

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  1. Your journal pages are wonderful as always! I hope you find out what is going on soon.

    1. Thank you. Color is my middle name 🤗❤️

  2. I always love your journal pages, Alice! These are wonderful and I'm thinking I might just go try some ... right now!!!

    I hope you get some answers soon ... I'm keeping all good thoughts for you, Alice. xoxoxo

    1. Thank you, Jan, these colorful pages make me happy.

  3. Your pages are always so beautifully colored and crafted❣️

    Love, hugs and prayers always!

    1. thanks, phillis, I love color! and thank you for the prayers, keep them coming <3

  4. Beautiful as always! Prayers for you and Mark every day.

  5. Beautiful as always! You and Mark are in my prayers. ❤️

  6. Love that last spread particularly with the way the colours sort of waft themselves about. The right hand flower looks like it's actually moving. The first spread with all those little tiles is very effective & I like the way you've used a several of the tiles as an echo on the third page. Take care of yourself - prayers continue.

    1. Thank you. I do try to add movement so I’m glad it works 🤗


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