Foam Stamps and Daily Journaling

It has been awhile since I posted. I still don't have medical answers but a lot of really bad things have been ruled out. All the focus now is on the lungs. I have a cat scan coming Monday which will show any progress I have made - good or bad. And they are trying to get me into a pulmonologist which appears to be next to impossible due to all the covid cases. In the meantime I try to keep myself occupied. Art not being high on the list because I can't stay focused long enough. I did manage to put one daily journal page together and it only took me a couple weeks. Shaking my head. 
Do you remember last month I showed you how I made some simple stamps using sheets of craft foam? I had so much fun making those that I made a few more. I wanted a larger flower so that is where I started. 
Here is my stamp after being cut out and adhered to the black foam base. Not lined up perfectly and I am okay with that. Perfectly imperfect. And it's all mine. Hahahaha! Remember, to make this a little sturdier just glue it to a piece of thick cardboard. Like you would find in a shipping box. An Amazon box works great!
While I was at it I also made one with a lot of little circles. Rocks or crazy tipple. Hahahaha! 
I placed four blank tags down onto my craft mat and just randomly stamped all over them. Using different color distress inks with the various stamps I had made. I think they turned out great! And they are the right size to use in my daily journal! Speaking of daily journaling, it only took me for.stinking.ever to make this next page. 

Then I used those same stamps and inked up a page in my Harmony hot pressed watercolor journal that I use for 'daily' journaling. It comes from Hahnemühle so you know it's good! Lots of ghosty stamps, too! 

And yes, most of it got covered up but that is alright. I know it's there. And now you do, too! Hahaha! Seriously, it took me forever to get this together. Those two simple tiles took me a couple days to tangle. The tag on the left used up bits of gel print leftovers and an art card from Hannah Lynn! I love her work! The little guy is a Chris Ryniak art that I colored. Then I just added bits and pieces and inks and stuff here and there and called it done. And I have already started another page. Hopefully I can get the momentum going again. When you get in a slump - play with something new. That's what I did with making my own stamps. Just played with something new and it led to four new tags and a completed journal page. If I can do it - you can do it. And I would love to see it! Whatever kind of art you create - I would love to enjoy it with you!

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Harmony Watercolor Paper from Hahnemühle can be purchased here


  1. Ohhhhh Alice ~ I'm so sorry it's taking so L O N G to discover the cause of your physical distress! I'm keeping good thoughts for you . . .

    I love your stamps. I've made some before, but I didn't like what I came up with. Your flowers are just the thing. :) And your journal page is gorgeous! Had you not mentioned how long it took to keep focused and get it done ... I never would have guessed.

    Healing hugs to you ~ Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan, it’s one day at a time. I’m really counting a lot on this cat scan Monday

  2. Interesting stamps & very useful for your type of journal page backgrounds. I do like your 'dot' borders & the way you come up with the various 'connectors' making them look so different. They tie in nicely with that circle stamping in the background too. Good to see you getting going though appreciate it's not easy when the mind is on other things. Do take care.

    1. it is really hard to focus on anything right now, so I'm glad to be able to put these kind of pages together


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