A Long Time Coming


It's February since I posted last. That is a long time. But I haven't been sitting idly, I have been sitting getting well. I was so sick for so long. In and out of the hospital five or six times and now I am battling cancer with every weapon I have. And many of you have been praying for me daily. Thank you, I believe in the power of prayer. Don't stop now, God isn't finished with this season yet but I am hopeful that He and I will escape victorious. 

These are a few of the things I have been able to complete along the way. And just making this post is a challenge because I don't remember all the steps to posting one. Being on medications for so long caused memory losses here and there. I hope they return one day. 

I made this for ICAD, Index Card a Day. Happens every June and July. The thought is to make some kind of art on an index card each day of those two months. Doesn't matter what kind of art. Just do it. 

I did several different things for ICAD depending on the level of tiredness I was feeling. Today I am super tired so there probably won't be any art making happening. This post is about all I'm good for today. 

This was fun and a little different. I used bits and pieces of leftover scraps and tangled art on a watercolored and stitched background. Fun and totally random. No need to throw those leftovers out. Unless you are planning to move, then toss them and start over once you live in the new state. 

I was able to complete this piece of art I had started with a watercolored background - brayer clean off - for World Watercolor Month. I am blessed to be an Artist Ambassador for the month. My design was printed on a pencil/pen pouch and is available for purchase by clicking here. Only through the end of July since it is a limited edition item. 

Another ICAD piece I finished up this month, started back in February. 

Prior to getting sick I had prepared some watercolor backgrounds in a journal. All I had to do was draw and paint the florals. Fun page. And I already gave it away to a friend. 

Another easy piece completed on a pre-painted background. This is a really nice journal I'm working in. Hope to review it one day. 

And that's it. Here you can see me relaxing and sitting and enjoying my studio. I love my little art room. It calms me and grounds me. I hope to be able to re-create it when we move to Georgia in a couple months. Eep! It will be here sooner than we know! Now. To see if I remember how to send this post to you. Have a great weekend! 


  1. Alice, you don't know how wonderful it makes me feel to see you posting again. You've suffered a lot over the last few months, but I knew you would persevere because you are strong and so loved. You are my hero!

    1. Thank you so much. Keep praying for me, please. I’m halfway through chemo.

  2. Always thinking of you Alice. sending lots of hugs and blessings. We miss you and always wishing for a speedy recovery.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

    1. Keep those prayers coming. Thanks always.

  3. Great to see you posting Alice. I love the art work you shared. I always think of you. Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way.

    1. Thank you. Please keep those prayers coming.

  4. Dear, sweet Alice. My heart smiles when I see your artwork and the beautiful colors you use ๐Ÿ˜ป I'm so very happy to see you posting, again. You're never far from my thoughts. I'm still praying for you and sending out positive vibes for your continued recovery. Praying your move to Georgia goes smoothly, too. That's gonna be quite a transition for you, weather wise! Take care ❤

    1. oh gosh, the weather is going to be the worst transition. I am not looking forward to it

  5. Glad to see your posts again! I am glad you feel like doing this it was months after my chemo before I had the energy to even lift a finger! Keep it going, attitude is 80% of getting well!

    1. I woke up one day and decided it was time to take my life back.

  6. Dear Alice, it's so fine to see your wonderful artwork again. I missed it sooooo much! I will pray for you and I wish you all the best, good health soon and I send you lots of kisses and hugs!!! Love, your Regina๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜❤️๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘‹

    1. thank you, Regina, I appreciate the love. keep those prayers coming

    2. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™❤️❤️❤️

  7. Kathy M in Columbus, OhioJune 18, 2022 at 3:00 PM

    Hang in there Alice, prayers are with you. You can be a survivor!!

  8. What a lovely surprise gift to see your inspiring artwork in my inbox today! Continuing to send lots of positive healing thoughts your way. Attitude is a huge part of recovery in all aspects—you ARE a survivor and even in the feeling like 0% energy days, you are still a survivor!

    1. I am a survivor. not a defeater. I like that :)

  9. Alice, I know of your journey because in January of 2021, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. 4 months of chemo did nothing. I’m now on an immunotherapy treatment called Keytruda which has had some good results. So glad to see your positive attitude. A positive attitude, support from family and friends and my Zentangle art has helped me weather the storm. We are Princess Warriors!

    1. Princess Warriors. I like that!

  10. So glad to see you are posting again. Best wishes with your move to Georgia. Don’t forget I will help in whatever way I can.
    Love you my friend.

    1. thanks, we will keep it in mind :)

  11. Even in your painful awful journey you are an encouragement! Keep fighting Beautiful Warrior!!! God has your back!

    1. He does for sure! thank you for your prayers <3

  12. So glad to see you arting and healing. Continued prayers for healing and your move! Prayers for your husband as well!!

  13. A wonderful treat to see this - your bright floral artwork is just so uplifting to see. If I lived closer I'd be taking lessons from you. Besides which God does know where we need to be at various seasons in our lives. Thinking of you & praying much, & I can't see that stopping any time soon. Hope the transition to Georgia goes smoothly - & you manage to settle somewhere you can enjoy just as much as Maine, though I know the weather will be a challenge for you. Much love from me.

    1. keep the prayers coming. this move is going to be stressful for me at a time when I don't need the stress

    2. Will do - let me know moving date when you have it

  14. These are all beautiful!
    Take care!


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