Recent Art and Updates

Major life changes are coming for me. I have two chemo treatments to go. One later this month and one in August. Three weeks later I go back for a PET scan. The cat scan we did last week showed the cancers are shrinking and getting smaller, exactly what they are supposed to be doing. The hope and prayer is that when we do the PET scan they will be gone. So I ask for your specific prayer to that end, please.

And while all this is going on we have decided to move from our beautiful Maine to the hot and humid state of Georgia. And the preparation and move need to be made before winter sneaks in here in Maine. So I began packing up my studio a little at a time. 

And in the interim I made a few pieces of art using backgrounds that were already prepared. This floral is acrylic on a canvas board. 

We have already sold this house. We met the new buyers a couple days ago and they love our home. I believe they will take good care of her. Mark and I are in the process of buying a beautiful new home in Georgia. Totally different from our log home here in Maine, a more traditional house. And we love it. We close on the 27th, then need to decide when we will actually move.

This background is Schmincke watercolors. I am forcing myself to try red on occasion. I really dislike red, hahaha! And I drew a free-hand mandala. Just a center point and four pencil marks to designate the top and bottom and the sides. Then free-hand your designs. 

When we make that move be prepared for a bunch of photos. There might even be chickens and goats and mini donkeys. Maybe. 

Another Schmincke background. Mainly because they are my favorite colors. These last two were made in the Indigo Art Papers square journal. Handmade papers, really lovely book to work in. 

Now, I'd better get back to packing a box here and there. 


  1. You are in my prayers, Alice!

    1. thank you so much, please don't stop yet <3

  2. Fantastic dear Alice. All the best for you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏🍀🐞🍀🐞🍀🚴✊✊✊😍😘❤️🤗👋

    1. thank you, regina, I appreciate the prayers and your friendship

  3. I am so happy to see your name in my email. I will pray for you for sure. If you would, offer one for our family. My husband of almost 47 years is in immunotherapy for cancer that we hope will shrink as much as possible. He has scans at the end of this week. Good luck with your move. As they say, keep making plans. Susan Haninger

    1. praying for excellent results with the immunotherapy. praying for the both of you. God has you in the palm of His hand.

  4. So happy to hear that you are making great progress in your fight against cancer. Praying for a clean slate with your next PET scan.
    Now this move you are making... I can't even imagine!! Husband and I moved 75 miles in October and it nearly did us in! Can't imagine going from Maine to Georgia. Hope you have lots of help!
    Love seeing your beautiful art work. Hugs.

    1. I wish we had lots of help, too. hahaha! we did get some help from Georgia family taking some things down for us this past weekend

  5. Always so glad to see your updates...and beautiful art...Wishing you the best. always!!!

  6. You bet I'l continue praying for your cancer to be gone! I'm with you on red. I actually like the color, but there is no color that can ruin a painting faster if you it isn't the right red, or you use too much.

    1. thank you for the continued prayers. <3

  7. Awesome news, Alice! Best wishes for your recovery.
    Take it easy moving to your new address.

    1. trying to take it one step at a time :)

  8. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️
    I’m keeping you and your family in my prayers for the end of your cancer journey and a smooth transition to your new home
    Rachel Foster

    1. thank you, Rachel, love you dear friend!

  9. Brilliant to hear you've found somewhere in Georgia & terrific news about the cat scan. Prayer is continuing for you both. Lovely to see your colourful & cheery floral art appearing in my feed. Take good care - sounds like an adventure with the new property & I look forward to the photos with more info. Much love from me

    1. sorry we don't get caught up like we used to. I'm tired all the time but hopefully that will change eventually. and I look forward to getting caught up. much love from me and thanks for your friendship and prayers

    2. I learned from your post the details of your story and am so amazed (and not in a good way) by what you have had to go through and obviously still are now. My prayers and strength and support to you for your health and for managing a move in the midst of everything,

  10. Continued prayers for healing and moving!

  11. I am happy to see your new post with your beautiful colors and flowers. I wish you and your family all the best on your new home. I send my prayers for healing to you , your cat .

  12. Prayers continue for you, Alice. You are in the hearts of many and are loved.


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