I'm Back!!!

It's been a few months since I posted here. Actually it's been so long I am having trouble making all the behind the scenes part of this post work like they are supposed to. So cross your fingers and say a little prayer that everything works.

Speaking of prayer. Since I spoke with you last, I did that PET scan I told you about. And guess what! I am 100% cancer free!!! The chemo killed all the cancer cells and they are gone. Thank you for all your prayers. I truly believe God answered our prayers and He is why I am still here. Back in April it was pretty touch and go for awhile. So. Thank you.

Also, we moved to Georgia. Yep. Fall is just starting here and the high temps today are in the mid 80s. It was in the 50s last night so we had to use a blanket. Ha! And that wraps us up in a nutshell. Let's get on to some art making. 

In my Facebook group Tangle All Around we are working on Twinchietober during the month of October. Each day of the month we are working with a new tangle on a 2" square tile - also known as a twinchie. Hence the name Twinchietober. Each week I give the group seven new tangles, each one  created by a member of our group. Yin*Yang Petal designed by Velma Ensey was the October 1st tangle. 

Here is the tile I made using yin*yang petal. Remember these tiles are small, just two inches square. They started as plain white Bristol illustration paper from Hahnemühle. Tomorrow I will walk you through the color addition. 

For October 2nd I chose Ahoi from Annett Ruempler. A really fun tangle that is truly a fragment. Your final artwork takes on completely different results depending on the direction you face your fragment. 

A lot of contrast in this tangle. I didn't really 'get' ahoi when I worked on this twinchie. Since then I have had some time to study the steps and think about them some more. The idea of dealing with the pattern as a fragment means it makes more sense to me now. 

Alfie from Angie Gittles, CZT, was the tangle for October 3rd. Angie is known for her easy to understand step outs and beautiful results right away. You can pretty much always have immediate results with her tangles. 

I couldn't decide between hearts and dots with my dot pen so I did both. Hahaha! I really like how this one turned out. I have a hard time working on a twinchie because the space is so limited. So I try to just keep things simple. 

For October 4th, I decided to use Barbed Twist from Brenda DeBock, CZT. I felt like I got really good results with this tangle. There are so many ways to draw it. Next time I want to do several rows and alternate the direction row by row. 

When I colored these twinchies I knew I would need to bring in some white in those darker areas. Barbed Twist really came in handy with that plan. Those white lines are a simple charcoal pencil smudged and layered three times. I used a Posca Paint Pen for the dots. 

Today's tangle is Bilia, designed by Toni Friese. I must admit I had a hard time wrapping my brain around this one. I may need to try it again. I have seen some beautiful pieces of art posted in Tangle All Around using Bilia, so I know it's probably just me. 

And that's what I got. Just the design. I did embellish it a little which helped. And I gave it an extra aura. I wonder what it would look like if I cut out the design and glued it on a different colored tile. Anyway, that brings you up to date through today. I will give you the tangle step outs for the 6th and 7th. 

The pattern for October 6th is Boltz, designed by Patience Snell. Reminds me of the Avengers, hahaha! I love it! 

And for October 7th, we will be using Regina Wenzel's Xerina. I love her steampunk tangles!

I hope you will join us for Twinchietober! The idea is to pick up a pen each day this month and draw something. It can be as simple as using a 2" square of paper and drawing the daily tangle on it. I tried to keep this as easy and non-time consuming as possible. If you aren't already a member of Tangle All Around I have just one question for you. Why not??? Hahahahaha! Seriously, you can join us by clicking here and answering three simple questions. I look forward to seeing you there. 

Bristol Illustration Paper from Hahnemühle can be found by clicking here


  1. These are all so beautiful, Alice! Your post has worked! I'm so glad you are creating again, and posting more often. You've been so missed!

    1. thank you so much! I am glad to be back <3

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you are cancer free. Yea! Now you can concentrate on your art.

    1. lots of prayers and well wishes went up for me. and I appreciate every single one! I feel really good now and am ready to get back to work. thank you so much <3

  3. Glad you’re back Alice!

    1. thank you so much! it feels really good to be back!

  4. Yay!!!!! you are back and creating beautiful works....Prayers work you know ---don't ever doubt it!

    1. I don't. I know God hears and is faithful to answer. thank you for praying for me <3

    2. So glad to have you back and welcome to Georgia! You’ll find the weather very different than what you had in Maine.

  5. So glad to hear your good news. So glad you're back sharing your creativity with us all.

    1. thank you , it's great to be back! maybe not up to full speed for awhile yet, but I'm here :)

  6. Love, love, love dear Alice. I'm glad, you are back! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much for choose my pattern Xerina. Have fun and all the best for you 😍👍🤗🍀🐞🍄

  7. Glad you are back and congrats on the "all clear!"

    1. thanks, Clara, its great to see you, too!

  8. Terrific to see you back again & posting artwork. I'm so pleased the PET scan was clear & am continuing to pray. Love that third twinchie especially - the white details look like pearls on top of the gold & it's effective to have that plus the heart variation in black. Twinchies are a brilliant idea as they're so manageable. Your 80s temperature sounds like our summer here! We're entering the colder time - autumn rains are already here & I'm back to wearing layers again - including a vest! - Evy Browning

    1. I am wearing a light jacket inside the house these days. the temps are much cooler at night time.


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