What a Year!


That title says it all. What a year! So thankful it is almost over and I can start anew in 2023! In fact - I made this page in my daily journal to celebrate. Hahahaha! Never mind that it's been almost a year since I 'daily journaled'. It's been that bad of a year. 

I began by pulling together all the awesome things I wanted to include. I began with a piece of colorful painted paper from Niki Green - I love her work so much! The postcard is a Nostalgie postcard from Hahnemühle that I used to clean brushes on, then added some art. The larger tangled piece of art is from last year. My hands still shake and this kind of art doesn't come easy to me right now. Anyone who knows me well knows Tinkerbell is my favorite character. I liked the strip I cut off a piece of art and kept. I thought it might work well. And chocolates. Cause it's always a good time for chocolate. 

I needed Niki's piece of art to adhere well so I lined it with double sided Scor tape. Great stuff! Just remember - once it touches your base paper you will never be able to lift it. Hahaha! So it better be right the first time. I decide which side I want to adhere first and ONLY remove that ONE strip of backing. Then I put my art paper in place. Once that one side is adhered I remove the other strips and press the piece of art into place. 

Here's a better look at the Nostalgie postcard. Some paint and ink clean up with a flower drawing and a stamped inspiration. Easy peasy. And look how cool this scrap strip from another piece of art is. And it goes so well with my other elements. Both are adhered with that same Scor tape.

The block of art was tangled last year on a bit of the Collection paper from Hahnemühle. The color was Ecoline Liquid watercolors. So vibrant and pretty! Tinkerbell is a digital image I found on Google, printed out and colored with Copic markers. 

And a finished page in my daily journal was just that easy. Mainly because I had pieces I had saved from other art times to use. And what a year? It was really tough but God brought me through every step of the way. One day I may go back and put together some details to share with you but I am not ready to do that yet. Just know that I am cancer free and it is all thanks to God. And to you who prayed for me - thank you so much! I have yet to feel like making any art but I am trying to push myself in hopes that it will come. That's what this page was about. Trying to regain that desire. Hoping the beautiful colors call my name like they once did. What do you do when you need inspiration? How do you start again?

And just a passing thought. Would anyone benefit from a video of putting one of these daily journal pages together? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. 


  1. Oh Alice ... whew!!!!! I'm SO glad you are now cancer-free!!! I truly can't imagine what you've been through. And you moved ... gaaaah!!!

    It's lovely to see you back on your blog. I'm still "trying" to add color to paper before I tangle on it. Your page is an inspiration!! My takeaway: flood a page with color, let it dry, then ignore it. Ha! Just take off on tangling and see what happens. My answer to your question: YES PLEASE!!!

    xoxoxo Jan

    1. this is very helpful, jan, thank you :)

  2. Alice, I have learned so much from you over the years and always learn something from your videos that I watch. Yay for cancer free!

    1. Thank makes me so happy! Thank you!

  3. Hallelujah! Welcome back ! :)

    1. Haha! Thanks! Now I just need some motivation

    2. The answer to a video has to be yes - but only when you're not too tired & feel that it's going to be something for you to aim for: a goal in short. Motivation might well come as you start to do. It's good to see you putting together things like the Fragments tutorial you did in the FB group, such a helpful breaking down of a topic that might well daunt many who are new to tangling. You're giving much. Instructive seeing how you used that strip of artwork in the midst of white space & journalling. Even if it will take a while for you to get back to creating you've no doubt got lots of pieces that you can use in the meantime & that will help to get the creative motivation into gear again...............you probably still need rest too besides moving house is pretty stressful in itself, never mind doing it so soon after you finished chemo. Prayer will continue.
      Much love - Evy Browning

    3. Thanks,Evy. It’s been tiring and stressful. One day at a time.

  4. Thank you. It’s been a long journey.

  5. YES! Best thing I've read in months! There really is light at the end of the darkness! Sending you big hugs Alice.

  6. Alice, I’m so happy you are now cancer free! I’m sure you went to hell and back. You and your family are blessed ❤️
    To answer your question about journal prompts, yes please🙂🙃

    1. It was a rough year for sure. Thanks for being there for me ❤️

  7. Of course I want to learn more from you and with you! I have always loved what you produce. Your colors and tangles are to be drooled over and admired! I am here, ready and waiting. You know where to find me. xoxo Continued good health and much happiness coming your way. Hugs!

    1. ❤️ thank you so much. I’ll see what I can do

  8. So happy to hear you are cancer free! Congrats on the move and hubby's hip! So glad to see you back arting! It will come back to you when it is time! Would love to see a video!
    God bless you!


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