Art On a Shoe String - Art Journal

Are you always looking for ways to make your art more affordable? That is my exact thought behind Art on a Shoe String. Making the process of art more affordable for you. And for me, too! 

Mark and I were at Walmart a few days ago and I was checking out the leftover school supplies. (Don't I always?) Most  are on big-time sale right now. I found something I had never seen before. These half size composition books. Looks like they took a full size composition book and cut it in half.

They came in a pack of ten books for a total of $3.00 - that is 30 cents a book. You can't beat that anywhere! Each book has 100 sheets, which means the possibility of 200 work surfaces. Yes, these pages are thin. You can glue two pages together to make them sturdier, but I elected not to do that. 

This is the first page in my book. I cut down a painted page from my friend Niki Green to fit a sheet in the book. Niki had already painted and stenciled even more paint all over the paper making it sturdier by nature. I glued that in place and added some trash strips from my stock - an alcohol ink strip and two stenciled and stamped scraps. The flower girl was a free Pinterest digi stamp that I colored with Copic markers. This page is sturdy and ready for me to add art on the back side if I want to do that. Let's see. Thirty cents per book. With 200 work surfaces that comes out to less than one penny per work surface. Most people can afford that.

Side note: I went back to Walmart a few days later and bought every package they had left. These pages are 5" x 7" so it doesn't take long to make a page of art. Art on a Shoe String? I think yes! And . . . look out 100 Day Project! I am ready for you this time!


  1. That looks like you’re going to have enormous fun & get using a lot of your scrap stash. I can sense your enthusiasm returning, perhaps? Love the way you did those leaves in the focal image then matched it so well with the background you placed her on. Plus her hair colour ties in with the orange tones of the large background, and her eyes pick up on the blue in that central strip. Lovely bit of coordinating design. - Evy

    1. thanks, Evy! I am trying so hard. some days are better than others. I like this book so much because the pages are small. I don't have to feel pressured to fill up a large space. love you! thanks for the comments <3

  2. How cool! I love what you've done on this page! I'm tempted to buy some of these, but I don't know what I'd use them for, lol. I'm still tempted to buy some.

    1. They could be great for a lot of things. Grocery list, art notes, bucket list, kids homework. You just can’t beat the price


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