Nostalgie and Neurotangling
Grabbing minutes here and there between all the other things I do and what did I decide to work on? Neurotangling, of course. Hahahaha! I began with this postcard that I pre-colored with Zig Clean Color Brush Pens and water. I love the color just like it was but it was on top of the stack. Hahaha! The base is a Nostalgie Sketch Postcard from Hahnemühle . You know how much I love their products! These postcards are roughly 6" x 4" which is pretty much the perfect size for quick and fun! I began with the lines, then the corner fills, followed by some tangling. Just my basic printemps and ripped screen. In a couple sections I heavy weighted the lower corners per Glamour Additions. I felt like the tangling/drawing part was done but the overall piece felt blah! to me. I used some Schmincke watercolors and started on those larger pink areas. Just filling in some color with a water brush. And I brought in some yellow and green. Oh! So much better! But do you see how the po...